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Absatova Raushan Dzhambulovna

Absatova Raushan Dzhambulovna

Doctor Raushan Zhambulovna began working immediately in the Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care, and Reanimation, in the department of neonatal surgery, after graduating from university. She provided anesthesiological support during surgical interventions on the organs of the chest cavity, abdominal cavity, and retroperitoneal space for children from birth. fter specializing in pediatric and adult neurology, she consults patients with neurological disorders, both children from birth and adults. A very attentive, sensitive, and competent doctor.

  • Introduction
  • Education/Career

Absatova Raushan Dzhambulovna

Medical Department



Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system in children and adults

Pricing Policy

Initial appointment 10 000 tg
Return appointment 8 000 tg

Treatment schedule

Detailed reservation schedule will be confirmed after consultation with a professional counselor.
For Saturday treatment, please contact the outpatient clinic directly.

Day Moneday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




Things to Check Before Reservation
  • This is a guide for patients planning to visit the OHKZ Clinic.

  • After the reservation is complete, a professional counselor will contact you at the number you provided.

  • Please note that the reservation is confirmed only after the call with the professional counselor is completed.

  • A medical appointment is a precious commitment.

  • Please contact us in advance before the appointment date to make a reservation, change, or cancel.

  • Reservation Center Phone: +7 (727) 355 41 00, +7 (707) 355 41 00

  • What to Prepare: Identification Card

  • Consultation Hours:

    • Weekdays 8:00 AM ~ 6:00 PM

    • Saturday 8:00 AM ~ 2:00 PM

    • Closed on Sundays and Holidays

  • “Practical MRI Reading School,” Moscow.

  • “Neurology,” Educational Center of Medical Institutions named after St. Luke (LLC), Moscow.

  • “Topical Issues in Pediatric Neurology,” LLP “Center for Retraining and Professional Development ‘BEST.'”

  • “Topical Issues in Neurology,” LLP “Center for Retraining and Professional Development ‘BEST.'”

  • “Neurology,” “Vascular Diseases of the Nervous System,” Institute of Continuous Education, Almaty

  • “Pediatrics,” cycle “Clinical Pediatrics with Pulmonology Questions,” Almaty State Medical Refresher Institute, Almaty

  • “Neuropathology,” cycle “Ultrasonic Angiology in Neurology.”

  • “Neuropathology,” Almaty State Medical Refresher Institute, Almaty.

  • “Family Medicine,” Almaty State Medical Refresher Institute, Almaty.

  • Residency in “Pediatric Anesthesiology, Resuscitation, and Intensive Care,” Kazakhstan National Medical University, Almaty.

  • S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Specialty: “Pediatrics”

  • S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Pediatric Faculty

  • S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, Specialty: Pediatric Anesthesiologist-Reanimatologist

  • MPK Clinic, Neurologist

  • LLP “BURC Medical Clinic ‘SEMA’,” Neurologist.

  • Medlab Express Clinic, Neurologist

  • SBS Med Clinic, Neurologist

  • BEK Clinic, Family Doctor

  • Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Anesthesiologist-Reanimatologist