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Shintemirova Anar Askarovna

Shintemirova Anar Askarovna

Doctor Anar Askarovna is proficient in clinical and instrumental methods for diagnosing eye pathology. She treats inflammatory eye diseases, retinal and optic nerve disorders, and vitreous body pathologies. She sees both children and adults. She has over 28 years of professional experience.

  • Introduction
  • Education/Career
  • Training
  • Activity/Award

Shintemirova Anar Askarovna

Medical Department



Patient appointments for children and adults / Eyeglass and contact lens prescription fitting / Correction of strabismus with prism eyeglass lenses / Perimetry, tonometry, ophthalmoscopy, cycloscopy / Diagnosis and treatment of patients with anterior segment and retinal pathology, patients with cataracts, and glaucoma / Diagnosis and treatment of demodicosis

Pricing Policy

Initial appointment 10 000 tg
Return appointment 8 000 tg

Treatment schedule

Detailed reservation schedule will be confirmed after consultation with a professional counselor.
For Saturday treatment, please contact the outpatient clinic directly.

Day Moneday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Things to Check Before Reservation
  • This is a guide for patients planning to visit the OHKZ Clinic.

  • After the reservation is complete, a professional counselor will contact you at the number you provided.

  • Please note that the reservation is confirmed only after the call with the professional counselor is completed.

  • A medical appointment is a precious commitment.

  • Please contact us in advance before the appointment date to make a reservation, change, or cancel.

  • Reservation Center Phone: +7 (727) 355 41 00, +7 (707) 355 41 00

  • What to Prepare: Identification Card

  • Consultation Hours:

    • Weekdays 8:00 AM ~ 6:00 PM

    • Saturday 8:00 AM ~ 2:00 PM

    • Closed on Sundays and Holidays

  • Graduated from Aktobe State Medical Institute, specializing in medicine.

  • Specializations in the latest laser technologies in ophthalmology, vascular pathology of visual organs, traumas of visual organs (in adults and children), myopia and other ametropias, professional pathology

  • Currently Gala Medical Center

  • Medical Center ‘Sana,’ Ophthalmologist

  • Republican Family Medical Center ‘Intertich’, Ophthalmologist

  • Medical Center ‘Dostar Plus – Dega Optics,’ Ophthalmologist

  • Central Military Clinical Hospital in Astana and Almaty, Ophthalmologist in the Specialized Surgery Department

  • Central District Hospital in the village of Chundzha, Ophthalmologist

  • Atyrau Railway Hospital, Ophthalmologist at the Eye Department

  • Advanced training on the course “Topical issues of professional pathology”

  • Advanced training on the course “Topical issues of ophthalmology”

  • Advanced training on the course “The latest laser technologies in ophthalmology”

  • Advanced training on the course “Ultrasound examination of eye diseases”

  • Advanced training on the course “Myopia and other ammetropias”

  • Advanced training on the course “Traumas of the organ of vision, including in children”

  • Advanced training on the course “Vascular pathology of the visual organ”

  • Diagnostic examination of patients (selection of optical and contact correction, viscometry, tonometry (pneumatic and ‘Maklakov’ tonometry), biomicroscopy, gonioscopy, cycloscopy, ophthalmoscopy).

  • Determination of the patient’s tactics and treatment regimen

  • Dynamic monitoring

  • Conservative treatment of eye diseases

  • Preoperative and postoperative patient management

  • All types of injection