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Smirnova Anastasia Valeryevna

Smirnova Anastasia Valeryevna

Anastasia Valeryevna is a qualified specialist with experience in radiation diagnostics in children and adults, who understands that research in radiology should be of the highest quality and safe.
Using modern South Korean X-ray equipment and her knowledge, Anastasia Valeryevna helps other doctors diagnose:
• congenital diseases and abnormalities of the development of the bone and joint system
• orthopedic diseases
• rheumatological diseases
• traumatic injuries to bones and joints
• osteoporosis
• inflammatory diseases of the lungs and paranasal sinuses
• diseases of the heart and thymus gland

  • Introduction
  • Education/Career
  • Training

Smirnova Anastasia Valeryevna

Medical Department



X-ray examinations in children and adults with a detailed description of radiographs, X-ray densitometry, If necessary, the analysis of radiography data in conjunction with other methods of radiation diagnostics(US, CT).

Pricing Policy

It depends on the field of study and the number of required projections.
(From 3600 tenge and above, it is necessary to specify according to the price list).

Treatment schedule

Detailed reservation schedule will be confirmed after consultation with a professional counselor.
For Saturday treatment, please contact the outpatient clinic directly.

Day Moneday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday











Break 14:00~15:00
Things to Check Before Reservation
  • This is a guide for patients planning to visit the OHKZ Clinic.

  • After the reservation is complete, a professional counselor will contact you at the number you provided.

  • Please note that the reservation is confirmed only after the call with the professional counselor is completed.

  • A medical appointment is a precious commitment.

  • Please contact us in advance before the appointment date to make a reservation, change, or cancel.

  • Reservation Center Phone: +7 (727) 355 41 00, +7 (707) 355 41 00

  • What to Prepare: Identification Card

  • Consultation Hours:

    • Weekdays 8:00 AM ~ 6:00 PM

    • Saturday 8:00 AM ~ 2:00 PM

    • Closed on Sundays and Holidays

  • S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University,

  • residency in Radiation Diagnostics

  • S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University,

  • internship in Obstetrics and Gynecology

  • S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University,

  • specialty “Medical Care”

  • MPK clinic; radiologist.

  • Aksai University Clinic of S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University

  • (former Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital Aksai); radiologist, computed tomography doctor.

  • Kazakh medical University of Continuing Education,

  • advanced training “Radiation diagnostics in pediatrics”