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Abnormal symptoms associated with urination (stress urinary incontinence)


Urinary incontinence is a condition in which uncontrolled urine production occurs, which leads to clothes getting wet. One type of urinary incontinence is stress urinary incontinence, which is accompanied by involuntary urination and leads to wet underwear in situations where pressure is exerted on the abdominal cavity, for example, when laughing, coughing or jumping rope. Stress urinary incontinence accounts for a significant portion of cases of urinary incontinence in women. Its development is due to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and the deterioration of the urethra function. The main risk factors for stress urinary incontinence in women are childbirth, obesity and menopause.


When the abdominal cavity is strained, for example, when laughing or sneezing, an uncontrolled discharge of urine occurs, which penetrates outside and causes the underwear to get wet.

Treatment and course of the disease

Treatment of this condition may include non-surgical and surgical methods, for example, drug therapy, exercises for the pelvic floor muscles and electrical stimulation. At the beginning, conservative treatment is used, and only in cases of severe disease is surgical intervention considered. Conservative treatment includes physical exercises and drug therapy, among which Kegel exercises are popular. In the case of severe forms of urinary incontinence, various surgical procedures are provided, for example, sling surgery. For prevention, body weight control, smoking cessation, treatment of constipation and, in some cases, the use of female hormones are recommended.

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