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Benign liver tumor


Benign liver tumors include liver hemangioma, liver adenoma, liver cyst, focal nodular hyperplasia, and biliary cystadenoma. Unlike malignant tumors such as hepatocellular carcinoma or intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, benign liver tumors are most often detected accidentally during imaging studies of the abdominal cavity and often do not require special treatment if they are not accompanied by symptoms or complications. Clinically, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish benign liver lesions from malignant tumors, and one imaging study is not enough to confirm a benign liver lesion; therefore, additional studies are required.

In addition to liver hemangioma, liver adenoma, liver cysts, focal nodular hyperplasia, and biliary cystadenoma, other benign tumors may occur in the liver; for example, nodular regenerative hyperplasia originating from hepatocytes, hemangioendothelioma originating from vascular endothelial cells, lymphangioma, etc. As with other benign tumors, surgical treatment is rarely required if there are no symptoms or complications. Focal fatty infiltration and inflammatory pseudotumors are also tumor-like lesions that can occur in the liver; therefore, differentiation is necessary.

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