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Hyperaesthesia (increased tooth sensitivity)


Most patients seek dental care due to the sensation of tooth sensitivity, and many of them are diagnosed with hyperesthesia. The term “dentin hypersensitivity” most accurately reflects this condition and describes an acute temporary sensation of pain caused by external stimuli, regardless of the presence of caries or other pathological changes. The pain may occur with cold contact, dry teeth or mechanical stimulation such as contact with chopsticks.

The most common cause of hypersensitivity is broken teeth around the gums. When teeth are pressed against the gums, exposing dentin and creating pits, you may experience discomfort when brushing your teeth or eating cold foods. The main factors that contribute to tooth decay include brushing techniques, heavy pressure when chewing, eating acidic foods, chemical breakdown from plaque and more.

Hyperaesthesia may result from periodontal damage caused by inadequate oral hygiene. Symptoms may occur temporarily after periodontal treatment. Hyperaesthesia may also occur after caries treatment, restoration of damaged teeth or in case of trauma, as well as for physiological reasons such as age, etc.


Symptoms are sharp, sensitive, short-lasting pain when exposed to cold.


In the dental office, hypersensitivity is confirmed when the patient reacts to the touch of a probe on the teeth or to the application of ice. In the case of a cracked tooth or damage to an existing restoration, it is important to differentiate between hypersensitivity and temporary sensitivity associated with, for example, caries and other conditions. The exact distinction can be difficult, but it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis in order to choose the appropriate treatment.

Treatment and course of the disease

Treatments for hypersensitivity include blocking exposed dentinal tubules or suppressing nerve activity in the pulp. If there are minor physical changes to the teeth or mild symptoms, you can wait for natural self-healing without active treatment. Teeth have the ability to regenerate even with minor damage, which can lead to a gradual improvement in symptoms. Another method is to use special toothpastes that contain ingredients that can reduce tooth sensitivity. Medications that contain a variety of ions and salts, such as oxalate and fluoride, can also be used to reduce tooth sensitivity. If there is physical damage to the tooth, restorative treatment may be needed. Laser treatment and gum grafting may also be part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

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