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Natural childbirth process


the treatment of natural childbirth

  1. The beginning of labor pains
    • Liquid = release of sticky, white mucus with an admixture of blood.
    • Labor = begins with regular contractions of the uterus and initially lasts 10-20 seconds at intervals of 20-30 minutes. Over time, the interval between contractions becomes shorter and shorter, reaching less than 10 minutes, and the intensity of contractions becomes stronger.
    • Amniotic fluid = warm watery fluid flowing through the vagina indicates rupture of the fetal membranes.
  2. Progression of labor pains
    • The first period of labor (disclosure period or preparatory period) = from the beginning of labor to the full opening of the cervix, when the cervix opens up to 10 cm.
    • The second period of labor (ejecting or producing) = after the full opening of the cervix and before the birth of the child, which, as is known, takes two to three hours for first-time mothers and one to one and a half hours for second-time mothers.
    • The third period of labor (postpartum) = birth of a child and placenta output. 5-10 minutes after the birth of the baby, the uterus contracts greatly, and the placenta comes out of the uterus.

BIomechanism of childbirth

The irregular shape of the uterine cavity, and the size of the head of a mature fetus is relatively large, so the fetal head must pass through the pelvis with the largest size.

  1. Entrance = the largest part of the body – the head of the fetus passes through the entrance to the pelvis.
  2. Lowering = the fetal head sinks to the pelvic floor.
  3. Flexion = the fetal head is bent, and the fetal chin is leaning against the chest.
  4. Internal rotation = the larynx of the fetus turns forward.
  5. Head tilt = when the fetal head reaches the opening of the vagina, the head leans back.
  6. External rotation = the head of the fetus, exiting through the vaginal opening, turns left or right, returning to its original position.
  7. Full term = the rest of the fetus is born quickly.


The fetus is monitored and the mother is monitored.

If the patient was hospitalized for childbirth, first check the blood pressure, body temperature, pulse and respiratory disorders of a pregnant woman, prenatal records, and during childbirth, the degree of uterine contractions and fetal heartbeat are regularly recorded and the fetal condition is monitored. Fetal heart rate can be checked using a stethoscope, a Doppler device or an electronic fetal monitor.

Concomitant symptoms

As you approach delivery, you may usually experience the following symptoms:

Treatment and course of the disease

1. Birth position

The most widely used position of the pelvic floor in the dorsal plane on the delivery bed with support on the legs.

2. Episiotomy

Immediately before the removal of the fetal head, the perineum exerts significant resistance, therefore, if necessary, a partial incision of the perineum is made. Two methods of perineotomy are used: median and lateral perineotomy.

3. Umbilical cord ligation and placenta previa

After fetal extraction, the umbilical cord is seized with two forceps 4-5 cm above the fetal abdomen, cut between them, disinfected and the umbilical cord is tied again. The placenta usually comes out after 5-10 minutes, after the placenta leaves, the perineal incision is sewn up, and for the next hour or so the uterus is monitored for bleeding.

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