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Health Information

Wisdom tooth


Humans have a total of 32 teeth, including wisdom teeth, also known as eighth teeth or third molars. Wisdom teeth usually appear between the ages of 15 and 25. These teeth are formed later than other teeth and, if there is not enough space in the mouth, they may not grow properly into the jawbone or may shift. Therefore, if wisdom teeth start to cause painful symptoms, including facial swelling and possible complications, they may need to be removed.

Depending on the inclination, the following variants of third molars are usually distinguished: vertical position, medial inclination, cheek or lingual inclination, distal inclination, horizontal and inverted.


If the wisdom tooth is fully ingrown, there are virtually no symptoms. However, when an ingrown wisdom tooth causes inflammation of the gums, it can be accompanied by swelling and severe pain, as well as possible suppuration.


Diverted wisdom teeth are difficult to see with the naked eye and are located in the terminal and most inaccessible area of the jaw. Panoramic radiography is used to determine their exact position and orientation. If the diverted wisdom tooth is close to the mandibular nerve, a CT scan may be required to examine its location in more detail. In addition, the doctor will ask about the nature of the pain, its localization, duration, systemic diseases and comorbidities.

Treatment and course of the disease

If there are diverted wisdom teeth, the difficulty of removing them will be assessed and they will be removed surgically. Several complications can occur after wisdom teeth extraction, including swelling, pain, bleeding or infection. Swelling usually peaks 48 hours after the procedure and cold compresses are used to reduce it. Severe pain is usually experienced within 3-5 hours of the procedure and painkillers may be prescribed to reduce it. Bleeding may occur due to systemic factors, such as the use of anticoagulants, or due to local causes related to the tooth extraction site. In the case of local bleeding, pressure may be applied to the bleeding area to stop it, or a haemostatic agent may be used. To prevent infection of the post-operative wound, it is treated with a disinfectant solution and antibiotics are prescribed.

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